
  Development Idea

     聚合财富的力量  Gather strength of wealth


    It uses the wisdom, diligence, and effort of every Sun Person to perfect each project. Aspiration is not personally determined, but is the aggregation of wisdom and strength of everyone. Only when we gather our wealth together can we make our public welfare work better.


     聚合人才的力量  Gather strength of talent


     A multinational enterprise needs a leader a nd a commander in chief that we all trust, and also needs every talent to give energy in the system. It will be Sun Group's unswerving pursuit to gather the top domestic and international business talents and scientific and technological talents under Sun Group's leadership. I hope that every Sun Person will not only be a noble of wealth, but a Iso a noble of spirit Asa Sun Person, it is a glory of life.    


     聚合科技的力量  Gather strength of technology


    The business situation is treacherous, and "harmony" cannot defeat the rivals or hold the territory. Technology can give us strength. The appearance of glasses free 3D cell phone proves this point. We will increase R&D in life science and other fields. With the scientific and technological content, we will not worry that our "longevity project" will only stay in theory.


      The sun lights the world, the sun warms the world, and the sun shines on the world. Ten thousand years are too long; seize the day, seize the hour. Now, I call every Sun Person to establish a correct outlook on the world, and contribute your wisdom for the Group* s glorious “entropy" era. It is like when sodium dissolves in water and spins at high speed, it achieves a qualitative leap.


     Share the glory and prosperity.


1、核心价值观  Core values

       运用系统的、联系的、运动的发展的眼光和方法,选择优势行业、多元化促进,在不同的行业中实现领先同业的标准;打造高品质产品和服务协调发展的一流企业集团。“义”字当先,常怀敬畏,感恩之心,精于取合,乐于奉献,诚信为本,勇于担当,实事求是,明确责任,爱岗敬业,是我们领先行业, 自立于世界同业之林的根本。以和为贵,学习借鉴,尊重同业,包容互谅, 谦和礼让,扬长避短,共同分享人类文明之成果,不断提升自身的竞争力,保持领先同业的态势。

      Use the vision and method of systematic, connected, and dynamic development to select advantageous industries, promote diversification, and achieve leading standards in different industries; create a first-class enterprise group with coordinated development of high-quality products and services. The word "righteousness" comes first, always with awe and gratitude, good at combining, willing to contribute, honesty-based, courageous to take responsibility, seeking truth from facts, clear responsibilities, and being dedicated to work. This is why we lead the industry and stand alone among peers in the world. We value harmony, learn from each other, respect peers, be tolerant and understanding, be modest and courteous, leverage strengths and avoid weaknesses, share the fruits of human civilization, continuously improve our competitiveness, and maintain a leading position among peers.

2、发展战略观  Development strategy view  


       Culture-led, innovation-driven, internal and external linkage, and market success

     Relying on the achievements of traditional Chinese culture and human spiritual civilization, we use domestic and foreign advantages and resources under the guidance of the market, complement each other's domestic and foreign advantages, and achieve sustainable development of the enterprise through the integration of culture. Diversified and group-based operations must adhere to the core advantages of differentiation, specialization, marketization, and internationalization, each showing his or her own talents and capabilities, and always "leading" the peers.

3、优质资源观  The concept of high-quality resources


      Discover resource quality and maximize resource efficiency.


      The resources suitable for enterprise development are diversified. All production and service factors from nature, capital, information, market, technology, system, human resources, etc. are called "enterprise resources". Not all resources are suitable for the development needs of enterprises. Only resources that are of high quality and can exert resource efficiency and are organically integrated by enterprises should be "discovered".

4、发展理念  Development concept


      Innovation, vitality, openness, interconnection, tolerance and sharing


      Innovation: Through innovation, the old balance is broken and the new movement of the system is realized. In the process of reaching the new balance, "sublation" is generated to achieve the innovative development of the enterprise.


      Vitality: Only in movement, in systematic connections, in the perfection of order, respecting science, talents, and all styles of civilization, absorbing the achievements of all civilizations, and achieving the realm of "harmony without difference" in cultural integration;


      Connection: With the guidelines of "righteous business thinking", the word "righteousness" is the first. Enterprise linkage, team linkage, industry linkage, regional linkage, domestic and foreign linkage, respect for personality, strengthen the overall, complement each other, promote each other, work together;


      Tolerance: One of the important cores of the "harmony is the most precious culture," seeking common ground while reserving differences, accepting and embracing the ways of thinking, customs and cultural differences of different ethnic groups, countries, skin colors, beliefs, cultures, languages, and using each other's strengths to complement one's own. In short, it is compatible with and co-prosperous to various economic forms;


      Sharing: Adhere to the "righteousness business thinking" characteristics of "loyalty, benevolence, justice, morality, righteousness, trustworthiness, sincerity, and righteousness," use righteousness to make friends, gather wealth with righteousness, accumulate virtue with righteousness, distribute wealth with righteousness, and share with righteousness!

5、经营理念  Business philosophy


       Technological leadership is always an advantage that a company must maintain, and the wide application of various innovative results is the magic weapon for the company's long-term prosperity. Only a big market can incubate big companies, and only by choosing a big market can you have big opportunities and success;


      "Diversification" should give priority to projects, products, and business areas that share resources. "Diversification" does not mean dispersing the company's various resources, but bringing together the best industrial achievements of the current era, and using the great vitality of the system and mechanism to ensure that all business unit growth and success.


       The products or services chosen by the company must produce big benefits and insist on maximizing benefits.

6、价值理念  Value concept


      Labor, knowledge, capital, and entrepreneurs jointly create value.


      Labor, knowledge, entrepreneurs and capital create all the value of the company. Through the transformation of capital, the contributions of labor, knowledge and entrepreneurs are rewarded. The capitalization of knowledge and the modern arrangement of the property rights system form the sustainable growth and effective control of the company's strength.

7、竞争理念  Competition concept


      Internationalization, differentiation, industrialization and specialization.

       充分利用国际、国内的不同点,在优势转移、转化 体现竞争力;善于发现商机,在传承中创新,突出个性,力争“无我有”,率先进入新领域乃至新行业;对于新领域、新产品、新服务以培育产业为目标。领产业的致高点;专业化是任何多元化必须深入的事业,专业的人做业的事是多元化的成功保障之一。

      Make full use of international and domestic differences, reflect competitiveness in the transfer and transformation of advantages; be good at discovering business opportunities, innovate in inheritance, highlight individuality, strive to "have nothing", and take the lead in entering new fields and even new industries. Products and new services are aimed to cultivate industries. The pinnacle of leading industries; specialization is a must-depth undertaking for any diversification, and professional people doing their jobs is one of the guarantees for the success of diversification.

8、市场理念  Market concept


      There is no market that cannot be opened with only weak ideas.


      The market exists objectively. Using the "Taihe Theory" to make breakthroughs in market discovery will definitely create new demands and build markets. There are only weak ideas, obsolete projects, and backward enterprises. There is no effective industry and no market at all, the important thing is that there are people, there is demand, there is a market.

9、科研理念  Scientific research concept


      Focus on customer needs and create higher value.

       竞争从研发开始,客户的利益在于获得质量更优、值更高、价格更低的产品和服务;科技开发不仅是产品形态的“硬”商品,也包括无形化的“软”产品;市场需求引导科研方向,科技创新机制保障科研的 生命力。

     Competition begins with research and development, and the interests of customers lie in obtaining products and services with better quality, higher value, and lower prices. Technological development is not only a "hard" commodity in product form, but also an intangible "soft" product. Market demand guides the direction of scientific research, and the scientific and technological innovation mechanism ensures the vitality of scientific research.

10、服务理念  Service concept


      Professional, meticulous, considerate and sincere.


     Service is a set of actions, a kind of behavior, a set of language, and a process, which can be divided into several coherent units. Professional service means that the whole process of service is necessary and in place, down to every link. They are all standardized. Integrity and sincerity are essential elements for providing good service and being considerate to customers.

11、质量理念  Quality concept


      High standards, high -taste, high quality.


       Adopt the advanced standards in the same industry at home and abroad, align with high standards, and give priority to the direction of the enterprise. Similar products will exert the "artisan spirit", and become the industry leader from appearance to quality, from solidity to durability, from tangible products to intangible products.

12、管理理念  Management philosophy


       There is no small matter in management, details determine success or failure.


      Every detail of management is the ladder of our progress. The level of management is extremely rich, and the links of management must be constructed with the system of "Taihe Theory." In the general connection, set management objects and tools to realize the healthy operation of the enterprise.

13、组织理念  Organizational philosophy


       Goals, responsibilities, processes, efficiency.


      Clear goals and clear directions are the necessary preconditions for organizational construction. Responsibility are strengthened. The word "righteousness" is in the heart to ensure the realization of the company's goals. The process is simplified and standardized, so that the system of "Taihe" order can be quickly delivered to the Market. The organizational collaboration can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and make talents stand out.

14、人才理念  Talent concept


      The right one is the best!


     From the perspective of the "Taihe" system, each position in the enterprise must be supported by each corresponding point of the system. If it is suitable for the operation of the enterprise system, the right person is employed. In sports, everyone has the possibility to become the core part of the system and become a leader-level talent!

15、团队理念  Team concept


      I am for everyone and everyone is for me.


     On the same "platform" and in the same team, they are all a part of the "Taihe system." Every business done by each person is the driving point and focus point of the interrelated system. On the one hand, it provides value. At the same time, the work of others is also creating value for oneself. The complementarity of the "team" determines the existence value of each member. The "sublation" and "repair" of the department also indicate the substitutability of each member The goal of the team provides cohesion for the common development of team members.

16、企业精神  Enterprise spirit


      Taihe establishes the foundation, morality establishes people, and neutralization establishes careers.


      Confucius said: "A gentleman focuses on the foundation, and the foundation is established and the Tao is born." "Basic" is the common interests of mankind, and the core of "Taihe Theory" is the interdependence view of the common interests of nature and society. To achieve one's own desires and to achieve others,"realize one's own goals while helping others; "Zhi Zhonghe" in "Four Books The Doctrine of the Mean" reveals the essence of "harmony is the most precious," while adhering to the truth, taking into account all kinds of difference. Seeking the law of common harmony and mutual growth, this is - "harmony!" Isn't it "precious" to be established because of "harmony", to become successful because of "harmony", and to grow because of "harmony"? !

17、企业作风  Corporate style


       Integrity, order, precision, and wisdom.


      Honesty, trustworthiness, friendship with people with sincerity, standing with trust, and earning the trust of the world. Being honest, hard-working, conscientious, doing one's job well, step by step; diligent in research, pursuing the ultimate, craftsman thinking, fine work, accurate positioning, exactness, and collaboration.  Quickly reach the standard; be good at learning, gather the wisdom of the world, adapt to changes, seek truth from facts, develop business opportunities, be good at grasping, adapt measures to local conditions, and respond flexibly.